The 20-year-old man sits alone in his darkened room, the blue light omitted by his laptop screen the only thing lighting his face.
He has never had a girlfriend. In fact, he’s never even held hands with a girl. He is deeply, deeply, deeply frustrated. His body urges him to seek a mate. His body urges him to have sex and procreate. His body urges him to seek connections with the opposite sex. But alas, he cannot.
He’s too socially anxious. Too weird. He finds eye-contact difficult. He struggles with his self-esteem. He doesn’t understand fashion and dresses awkwardly. He’s profoundly sad, but society has no sympathy to give.
Alone as he is, in his room, sexual urges continue to pulse through his body. He wants sex. But even moreso, he wants some kind of connection with a girl.
The urges have to go somewhere. And so, he reaches for the internet. As he explores every nook and cranny of the digital world, he continues to come across beautiful girls. Their digitally enhanced, perfect eyes look directly at the camera, seemingly mocking his loneliness even further.
The perfect girls are everywhere. He likes to look at them, and the algorithms know it. Across every platform, Instagram, Facebook Ads, Youtube, digital images of beautiful women are shown to him because the algorithm knows he can’t help but gaze at them.
Again and again, he sees mentions of a website called Onlyfans. Eventually, he caves in and makes an account.
He sends a message to one the prettiest girls he can find, and to his surprise, she messages him back! His brain lights up with dopamine. She’s talking to me! Connection! Love! Romance! Sex!
“How are you babe?”
“I’m good thanks, and you?”
“I’m great thanks, I’m just lying in bed ;)”
“Oh? And..what are you doing in bed? ;)”
“Here, let me show you..;)”
Stacy has sent you an image. Reveal for $4.99
The young man’s brain is fired up on all cylinders. The dopamine invades his brain, preventing rational thought. He sends the money.
A month goes by and he now speaks to his new “girlfriend” every single day. At this point, by the end of the month he has spent a total of $800 on her, a large chunk of his total savings.
She takes all of his money, pretends to care about him and manipulates him into giving more and more money. All of this, without a hint of shame or guilt. It’s his “choice” to send the money after all.
Of course, he knows it’s fake. He knows it’s artificial. But the deepest parts of his young male brain like it, and he finds it near-impossible to stop.
Let’s put this simply: Male Loneliness has been monetised.
A large number of young men are desperately lonely and dying for a connection with a woman. What a superb business opportunity! Who could miss out such a simple and lucrative revenue stream?!

Kik messenger, previously a simple messaging app, couldn’t resist but jump on this new lucrative revenue stream.

Open up a stream, and you’ll likely find a pretty girl interacting with her viewers and frequently asking for gifts and donations.
These “gifts” are available to buy with “gold coins”. And how do you get gold coins? With real money of course.

Everybody wins. The pretty girl gets free donations from lonely men on the internet, and Kik messenger takes a % of the revenue with each purchase.
And it’s not only Kik, everybody has jumped on the bandwagon. Messenging app MeetMe has also created a streaming and gifting service.

And it’s not only messaging apps opening up this new lucrative revenue stream. Dating service has also branched out to take advantage of the growing simp economy.

As usual, these “gifts” are bought with “gold coins” that are in turn purchased for real money.

Certainly, there are all kinds of reasons why a man may choose to send money over the internet to a woman he’s never met before. But overwhelmingly, the main reason men do this is because they don’t have real female companionship.
You may have an image in your mind of the kind of man who would use a website like Onlyfans to speak to young girls: A creepy, fat, old pervert. But this isn’t the case. Onlyfans users are mostly young men. And frequently, they seek out a connection with a woman, rather than simply asking for sexy photos.
Websites like Onlyfans, and any platform that monetises male loneliness are, in my eyes, a deeply unethical businesses.
As a culture, we should strongly condemn anyone and everyone who profits from this business model.
It’s nothing more than a psychological poison to our society.