When it comes to the Joe Rogan podcast, there are large numbers of people who have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.
Do you hate Joe Rogan? How did you form this opinion? Did you watch his podcast for yourself and thoughtfully come to a conclusion? Or did you simply read and watch what others have said about him and base your conclusion on that?
Why does the mainstream media hates joe rogan
The mainstream media is no longer able to gatekeep the truth. It’s a new world.
Do you believe it’s a coincidence that the mainstream media only says negative things about the Joe Rogan podcast? Where are the mixed opinions? Where are the positive stories about Joe Rogan? They don’t exist, because the mainstream media is in direct competition with the Joe Rogan podcast.
If the CEO of Microsoft told you that their phones were superior to Apple phones, would you believe them? If the Pepsi CEO told you that Coca-Cola was inferior to Pepsi, would you believe them? If Adidas told you that Nike trainers were poor quality, would you take them seriously? No?
Then why on earth would you believe mainstream media when they tell you that the Joe Rogan podcast spreads “dangerous misinformation”?
The mainstream media has a vested interest in decreasing Joe Rogan’s ratings, and should therefore be completely disregarded as a reliable source of information on this matter.
Have you been manipulated by the mainstream media into hating Joe Rogan?
the mainstream media is not trustworthy
Do you still see CNN, MSNBC and CBS as the “sensible” and “reliable” news sources?
Did you forget about the Iraq war? When the entire mainstream media of America lied about the existence of WMD’s in Iraq? When all anti-war voices were silenced in order to manipulate the American public into being for the Iraq war.
Mainstream news organisations are businesses just like any other. They follow the money, not the truth.
Joe Rogan speaks with all kinds of people with all kinds of opinions. Mainstream media carefully selects only those with the opinions that follow the narrative being pushed to the public.
When you listen to the Joe Rogan Podcast, you get all of the messy, confusing details of the topic being discussed. When you listen to mainstream news, you get a curated, clean and dumbed down version of the topic being discussed.
When you listen to the Joe Rogan Podcast, you get hear politicians speak in great detail about their world beliefs and the policies they would like to implement. When you listen to mainstream media, you get television “debate” in which each politician candidate is forced to discuss highly complex issues in 5 minute segments between ad breaks.
Long-form content is superior to traditional content controlled by corporations and separated with ads. Mainstream media keeps us trapped. Long-form content, like the Joe Rogan Podcast, sets us our minds free.
Why You Hate Joe Rogan
You’ve had your opinion about Joe Rogan shaped for you by media smear campaigns.
You’ve heard across multiple news sources that he’s “spreading dangerous misinformation”. And if so many new sources are repeating the same message, you believe it can’t possibly be false or exaggerated. (because you still believe that mainstream news organisations are noble, responsible truthtellers).
After your opinion of Joe Rogan has been coloured by this smear campaign, you view him a negative light every time you see or hear about him. If you actually go and watch his podcast, you’re not able to watch his content in an unbiased, neutral way. Instead, you’ve already been primed to hate him, and your brain will constantly look reasons to hate him (using the reticular activating system (RAS)).
You might even run around the internet, feeling smug as you leave “funny” comments about how Joe Rogan took “horse dewormer”, as you’re unknowingly manipulated by the smear campaign conducted by the mainstream media.
2. You’ve compartmentalised him your mind as the “enemy”
“I don’t care if you’re gay, black, Chinese, straight. That means nothing to me. It’s all an illusion” – Joe Rogan
“There’s only 2 reasons that you hate gay marriage; 1. You’re dumb, or 2. You’re secretly worried that dicks are delicious.” – Joe Rogan
“Be cool to people. Be nice to as many people as you can. Smile to as many people as you can, and have them smile back at you.” – Joe Rogan
Does this sound like the speech of a right-wing, conspiratorial, anti-vax, transphobic, racist, sexist, homophobic monster?
If you’re politically left-wing it’s likely that you’ve put Joe Rogan in the “right-wing box”. He’s the enemy. He’s “other”. And yet, Joe Rogan vouched for left-wing candidate Bernie Saunders. He’s for socialised medicine and socialised education in the USA. He advocates legal marijuana use.
He’s left-wing, and yet many believe he’s right-wing. How could so many people land so far from the truth?
Perhaps you’ve put Joe Rogan in a different box: The “stupid meathead” box. Somewhere along the way you created the belief that men who are muscular and big are also stupid and ignorant. Perhaps, while consuming representations of the “Jock” and the “nerd” in high-school dramas when you were a teenager, a strange false belief has been created in your mind: that muscly men are stupid.
You think of Joe Rogan as the high school bully or the ignorant meathead. Is Joe Rogan stupid? Is he an ignorant meathead? You might be projecting characteristics onto him that don’t exist.
Newsflash: Big, muscular men can also be intelligent and kind.
3. You truly believe that Joe Rogan is “spreading dangerous misinformation”
You’ve seen clips on Twitter of him and his guests saying questionable things about the COVID pandemic and vaccines. Strange, mysterious opinions that are unlike anything you’ve ever heard on the mainstream media.
Joe Rogan recently hosted Dr Peter Mccullough, a cardiologist. But not just any cardiologist, he’s the most publish physician in his field of all time. He also hosted Dr Robert Malone, who owns 9 patents on the created of MRNA vaccine technology.
Joe Rogan simply interview them, asked questions, and listened to what they had to say. Let me ask you a question: when did simply interviewing a highly qualified expert begin to be viewed as “misinformation?
When a qualified expert offers an alternative opinion, should we censor, block and ignore what they say? Do you want to live in a world with only one official narrative, while any opinions going contrary to this narrative are silenced?
As for the “270 doctors who signed letter demanding action against Joe Rogan”, these so-called doctors include a veterinarian, a dentist, a social worker and several psychologists. These 270 doctors were scraped together in an organised effort in an attempt to make it appear as though the entire medical community are united against the information spread by The Joe Rogan Podcast.
Despite all that, there are occasions when things are said on the podcast that aren’t true. When you record tens of thousands of hours of conversations, do you think it’s possible for no falsehoods to be spoken?
Does Joe Rogan invite too many conspiratorial guests on his podcast? Arguably. Yet, if you actually watched the podcast, you’d know that he invites all kinds of people, with a wide variety of viewpoints.
Why would you want to cancel a show that allows people from all walks of life to speak honestly, at length, completely uncensored? Don’t you realise how preciously rare this is?
The audience is able to listen to the information and come to their own educated conclusions about the truth.
By the way, the mainstream media has also spread plenty of misinformation about COVID, and received none of the same scrutiny that Joe Rogan has.
Watch Rachel Maddow spread blatant misinformation about COVID19
“Now we know the vaccine the vaccines work well enough that the virus STOPS with every vaccinated person” – Rachel Maddow MSNBC News <— MISINFORMATION