Our media landscape is filled with toxic journalists, working at toxic media companies, who will do whatever they can to destroy the reputations of others in order to turn a profit.
They create controversy where it doesn’t exist. They manufacture outrage. And they do their absolute best to trigger the emotions of their audience.
These “journalists” make absolutely no contributions to society, other than to pointlessly rile up people’s emotions and to confuse the public even further about what’s true and what’s false.
Celebrities and public figures are frequently caught off guard by these “toxic journalists”, and end up slipping up, saying the wrong thing and ending up in a scandal, as all of the other toxic journalists report on the slip-up.
Andrew Tate on the other hand (Ex-kickboxer world champion and multi-millionaire), shows us exactly how to deal with toxic journalists such as these.
The situation: An American woman had come to his mansion one night to join an enormous party in Romania filled with booze, girls and other such things. This woman had a boyfriend, who she did not tell about this party.
Later, the boyfriend found out. In the moment, she panicked, and lied. She told her boyfriend that she was forced to stay in the Tate mansion against her will, essentially saying that she had been abducted.
Her boyfriend then called the police and the embassy from her home country, causing an international incident. The SWAT team stormed into the Tate mansion and brought Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan Tate in for questioning.
So what happened? The CCTV showed clearly that the girl arrived and left the mansion via Uber and was not forced or abducted. The Tate Brothers were cleared of all charges and released. And the woman broke down in tears; admitting that she had made the whole thing up.
No crimes were committed. Nobody was abducted. Nobody was hurt. And the only thing the Tate brothers were guilty of was throwing a party (last time I checked, this isn’t illegal n Romania).
Did the toxic journalists report the incident in an honest way that helped their audience understand the facts of the case. Of course not!

Was Andrew Tate guilty of human trafficking? No. Was the American woman abducted? No. The “reports’ they refer to consist of nothing more than the words coming from the American woman’s mouth (lies).
You see, toxic journalists have no moral compass whatsoever. If it means creating a profit, they will misrepresent, lie and manipulate with no shame whatsoever.
As Andrew Tate was leaving the police station, after being released with no charges placed against him, a toxic Romanian journalist approaches him.
Let’s take a look and analyse how this toxic journalist tries to provoke Andrew Tate in their conversation:
J: Hello hello Andrew, you’re the man of the day
A: I’m always the man of the day for some reason
J: This one is quite a serious reason
A: No it’s not. It’s a bullshit reason
J: That’s not what the police says
(Here the journalist is trying to give her audience the impression that Andrew Tate is in real trouble with the police)
A: If the police thought I did something wrong, why am I here on the street?
J: That’s true as well.. I want to ask you: is it true that you sequestered an American girl in your flat
(Here, the accusation alone is enough to manipulate the audience into disliking Andrew Tate. Many people, particularly women, are understandably very sensitive about the topic of sexual assault, and will have their emotions triggered by the (false) accusation. The journalist knows this, and will use it as a weapon).
A: Listen, I ask girls to leave. I do not try and make them stay. That’s absolutely not true. I can’t talk about the case because it’s still pending, but I’ll give you a very short version. Some girl was at the house, I saw her once. Many girls come for parties. Her boyfriend caught her there and she told a bunch of lies to her boyfriend, and her boyfriend called the police. It’s stupid.
J: How did an American girl arrive in Bucharest?
A: I don’t know. A plane I guess. I mean I don’t think she swam, so I guess she took a plane.
J: Did you pay for the plane?
(Here, the journalist is hoping that Andrew Tate will say yes, thereby giving the impression that he was “luring” her to his mansion).
A: No. And then her stupid boyfriend made some phone calls to some embassy.
J: Did she have the phone all the time with her?
A: Of course she did.
J: What about the rape accusation. There is a Moldavian girl who says that you raped her.
(Of course, an “accusation” doesn’t actually mean anything. Literally anybody can accuse anybody of anything. I could accuse the President of Peru of sexually assaulting me right now, but that doesn’t mean the accusation should be taken seriously. Of course, journalists always take accusations seriously if they think they can make a profit by manufacturing outrage).
A: That’s not true. You’re making up shit.
J: Do you know her? She’s been to your house?
A: Lots of people have been to my house. It’s all bullshit.
A: Listen. I am a good man. A man of god. I have yet to ever go to jail for committing any crime. I am not a desperate man. I do not need to commit crimes.
J: How come you’ve been accused of rape and you had a party last night full of girls?
(Once again, being “accused” of something is meaningless. Yet much of her audience will immediately jump to the conclusion that the accusation must be true, or at least partially true. And by mentioning the “party full of girls” the journalist is trying to trigger a jealousy reaction in her male audience).
A: That’s why I’m back on the street – because it’s all bullshit. The police even know it’s bullshit. The girl’s gonna get in trouble for fucking lying.
J: Do you have proof?
A: *Sigh* Of course I do. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
In a separate situation, Andrew Tate’s brother: Tristan Tate had to deal with another toxic journalist.
The situation: Tristan Tate is dating a Romanian supermodel named Bianca. Bianca attended a show called “Mamaia” without Tristan recently. This caused rumours to spread that the two of them have been having relationship problems.
In comes the “journalist” to help us learn about this “important” story.
(Actually. the real goal of the journalist is 1: To provoke an emotional reaction from Tristan 2: To get a quote from Tristan that can be twisted and used out of context in a written article),

Left: Tristan Tate Right: Romanian Journalist
J: How are things between you and Bianca?
T: *rolls eyes* I knew it was gonna turn into this..
T: The fact that none of you know what’s going on between me and Bianca is exactly my intention. You know, I’m very good at keeping my private life private when I want it to be. So there’s some newspapers saying we broke up, some saying we’re together, some saying we are, some saying we’re not. I like it this way, so I’m not ganna answer any questions about Bianca.
J: Why didn’t you join her at Mamaia this weekend?
T: I’m a busy man.
J: Too busy for Bianca?
(Here, the journalist hopes to get a reflexive “Yes” from Tristan, so that he can create a headline saying something along the lines of: “Tristan Tate says that he’s “too busy” for supermodel Bianca — will their relationship hold out?”)
T: I’m not a spoiled rich kid. My money doesn’t fall from the sky. I have to work, I have to make my money.
J: Bianca has to be the first place, doesn’t she?
T: Well, if I can’t make any money, I’ll have to leave Romania and I’ll be homeless. So I doubt any girl, let alone Bianca, is ganna be with me then.
J: Do you think Bianca won’t be with you if you don’t have money?
(Here, the journalist deliberately misinterprets Tristan’s words to make it seem as though he’s insecure that Bianca is only with him for his money)
T: No.. if I’m homeless and I have to move back to England she won’t be with me.
J: So you are afraid to lose her?
T: …I work because I have to.
J: You know that Bianca met with Victor at Deva?
T: They have a child together.
J: Did it bother you?
(The journalist continues to try and poke Tristan’s emotional buttons, causing a reaction that will make a shocking headline for his readers).
T: I fear nobody. I don’t care who she meets. She has to meet Victor sometimes. That’s fine. I’m not intimidated by any man.
J: Is it true that Bianca forbid you to talk with some girls, asked you to block some girls on the internet?
T: I can talk to whoever I like.
J: So that’s not true?
T: No it’s not.
J: So if Bianca is bothered by a girl, and she asks you not to talk with her, you’d still talk with her?
T: She should’t be bothered by anyone.
J: Whys that?
T: Why would she be?
J: I don’t know. Maybe she’s jealous.
J: Are you still with Bianca or no? Because people want to know that.
T: I know they want to know….That’s my answer.
And this is exactly how you should speak to toxic journalists — be extremely careful with your words and be prepared to control your emotions throughout the interview.
Be aware: Their goal is not to interview you in a respectful manner in order to inform their readers. The central goal of the interview is to get the interviewee to say something that can later be taken out of context and put in quotation marks of a written article.
Why is our media landscape filled with toxic journalists? Because people continue to fall for their tricks.
People continue to get their emotions triggered into outrage. People continue to listen and read to media outlets that are completely biased. And people continue to take these “journalists” seriously.
Stop being manipulated and fooled and become media literate.